Isle Royale National Park

July 13, 2024

An island on Lake Superior that is difficult to get to. I tried to book a ferry two months prior to my trip last summer but it was already sold out. I reserved tickets five months ago for this trip and originally wanted to spend the night on the island. The hotel was already booked and I was nervous about trying to backpack by myself when I never have before. I was not sure if all the close campgrounds would be full, so I opted for a day trip. The ferry ride is almost four hours each way and it allows just over two hours in the park. Being on a lake, the ferry was rather boring. Hiking was more fun as I went down Tobin Harbor trail to Suzy’s Cave and back on Rock Harbor trail. The views were nice and I did not run across any moose or wolves despite the warnings from the Rangers. I did see a garter snake, chipmunk and a duck. Lots of wildflowers were in bloom and the mosquitos were on full attack mode. I counted 24 bites when I got back.

Total Cost: $222.95