Geode State Park (IA)
March 19, 2024
For a man-made lake, it is decent. This park is centered around Geode Lake which appears to be very popular in the summer. Even in early spring, I saw several families fishing. It has a nicely maintained easy trail around the lake that I hiked near sunset. The trail is also mostly shady in an oak forest. There were quite a few birds, squirrels and deer. I did not see any geodes, but I was not looking for them as it is illegal to remove them from the park. Near the trail on the eastern side of the lake, there was the remains of an old restroom which is mostly a concrete slab on the ground. The only problem was that the pit area is not capped off so there is a large hole leading to the liquid waste. Don’t fall in the nastiness.
For more info: Geode State Park, Iowa DNR