Capital Reef National Park

Day 1 - April 16, 2024

I made it to the park in time for some quick evening hikes. The rocks make Pompey’s Pillar from last week look like a pebble. Pictures do not do this park justice with towering cliffs that have layers of different colors. I went to Panorama Point, Goosenecks and Sunset Point about an hour before the sun went down. The name is misleading as you are not looking at the setting sun, but rather at the canyons opposite that are being lit up from the angle. They are normally shaded and it is the only time they get direct sunlight even if it is brief.

Day 2 - April 17, 2024

I got to Chimney Rock for the loop hike just after dawn. There were great views, but it was incredibly windy. In this rocky desert landscape it is very easy to lose the trail and end up in a dry creek bed or on a long stretch of sandstone. I got lost several times on my next hike to Hickman Bridge and so did several other hikers. I ended up coming out just under the natural rock bridge while others were coming at it from the side or lower in a gully. I don’t think any of us knew exactly where the actual trail was. The only wildlife I saw were a few small lizards. My last stop was in the Fruita Valley area for some petroglyphs. The valley is fertile and has had human occupation since ancient times with the most recent planting fruit tree orchards. The park service maintains those orchards which can be seen from the road and several trails.

Total Cost: $215.43